Are Online A-Levels accepted by Universities?

Due to the covid 19, all the departments have conducted many programs online in which educating the students on the online method is a great technology. And with the evolution, the internet has become part of our life and almost all universities are providing students with the option of A-level online. Though you can easily take your A-levels online, the main thing that you may have to consider is whether these online A-levels are accepted by the university or not.

Quick Takeaways

  • If you have done your A-levels online, there is nothing wrong with it. 
  • You must make sure that the online platform that you have chosen, is worth it. 
  • Taking up A-levels online is legally accepted by all universities. 
  • You can take up A-levels from anywhere you want.

However, you must read till the end to understand what are the online A-levels and if they are accepted in the university or not.

Are Online A-Levels accepted by Universities?

What are Online A-Levels?

Online A-level courses offer the student the ability to have or conduct classes virtually in remote conditions. In this, the student has to apply for the online A-level course through an organization such as an open-study college. You will have an academic year of the course in which, you need not be present physically in school. You can study the classes comfortably by sitting at home but during the exam, the student has to give the exam in an approved examination hall. Many students who want to resit for A-levels, take online A-levels.

Are Online A-Levels accepted by Universities?

It is legal to accept online A-levels and other related qualifications for universities. There are no restrictions for you to have an online A-level of certificate to get into the university. The online A-level is to be considered in the same attitude as the physical A-level is considered in the UK.

The university only wants that the student who applies for admission should have a required grade otherwise they have no other such as from where the student has done the education, is it online education or by going to school. There are many universities that do take more interest in the students who have done the education by a level online.

Are Online A-Levels accepted by Universities?

This is because their application will show the student motivation and good management of time also. The student who has done online A-levels does have some advantages and disadvantages. Thus further we have discussed them in detail. You must also know if the A-levels are harder than the university or not.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of A-Levels Online?

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of taking up online A-levels-


  • The student who does not want to get the course completed by going physically to the school for their A-level can be completed it at home. 
  • Studying A-level online Technology is cheaper than a specialized college as the online A-level course costs between 20 to 100 euros and the independent college costs up to 6000 euros. 
  • By method of online learning saves a lot of time for the student and that time can use for doing some additional work.
  • In online learning, you do not have to deal with a large group of students’ noises from the classroom and you can easily work alone.
  • Choosing to do a level online will save your expenses involved in traveling such as the transport done by the bus or private car train to get to the school.
Are Online A-Levels accepted by Universities?


  • There are many schools that do cost more for providing A-levels courses rather than attending the school by going to the school and attending the class.
  • You will not be able to interact with other students and feel self-isolated.
  • The student who wants to learn A-level subjects needs to learn time management skills.
  • Studying the A-level online method needs a lot of self-motivation.
Are Online A-Levels accepted by Universities?

Can the student Complete Online A-Levels at Any Age?

Having the facilities of online A-level courses there is no limitation or restriction on the candidate’s age and there is no restriction on retaking online A-levels just like GCSEs. There are many people who do feel out of place due to their age by going to school physically, so for them, this is a great opportunity to get a degree and get educated through a dignified School through the method of online A-level. However, if you have taken the wrong A-level you must change it within the limited time.

Are Online A-Levels Accepted by Universities Abroad?

Yes, the student application will be accepted even if the student has done the online A-level by the universities abroad. There is no University present in the Global that doesn’t accept online A-levels. But the student still does need to do research about the university, the requirements of the universities, and the courses available. You must also

Going to college vs Online A-Levels

When we talk about online A-level courses the student needs to get references from where they want to get online tutoring. Getting the best tutor for learning online can be an easier or harder step. As learning physically in school is the best way to get to know what they want to learn. And in online learning, you will need to show your hard work and prove that you are a dedicated and hard-working student. Working really hard will also help you in completing more than one A-levels at a single time.


Almost all the universities in the UK accept the application of a student who has studied A-level subjects by online method. There are many students who do additional courses while learning the A-levels online. This benefits them in admission to the university as they will have more skills and knowledge.


How long does online A-level take?

The maximum year taken by online A-levels is 2 years.

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