Does your Degree Certificate display your Grade on it?

When a student completes their degree they get a degree certificate which represents that they should have completed the degree. With the degree certificate, the student gets proof which is able to show to the employee in case of hiring and it demonstrates the academic ability of the student to them. Thus it is important to understand our grades mentioned on your degree certificate.

Quick Takeaways

  • The degree certificate is the certificate that is given to the student when they complete their undergraduate and postgraduate degree.
  • Your degree certificate is proof that you have done your degree. And thus it will involve your grades on it. 
  • The student does need a degree certificate for a future career in multiple fields as it will be proof of the student’s knowledge. 

However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any important information related to degree certificates and if it displays your grades or not.

Does your Degree Certificate display your Grade on it?

Does your degree certificate display your grade on it? 

Yes, the degree certificate displays the overall grade the student has achieved by them. And displaying the overall grade is known as degree classification. But in the degree classification, detailed information is not provided regarding the grades. It does display your name along with the qualification you have received. It will also involve the degree classification achieved by you for example if you have received a first-class degree etc.

What is a degree certificate?

The degree certificate is the certificate that is given to the student when they complete their undergraduate and postgraduate degree. The certificate act as an official and formal educational credential that is used by the student in their further academic life and job opportunity. It explains clearly the standard of knowledge you have achieved about a certain subject.

Most of the students received their degree certificates during the graduation ceremony which is held in-person attendance is free of charge. You have to collect your certificates by yourself only. And if you are not able to take it from the university you should contact the university and inform them about it. There are many Institutes that do post the degree of you to your addresses but they do take the delivery costs from the student.

Does your Degree Certificate display your Grade on it?

How to apply for a degree certificate? 

Different Institutes have different processes for applying for a degree certificate and it is visible on the website of the particular Institute. The process for applying for a degree certificate includes the personal details in which the student has to fill in the name, address, contact details, etc. You also need to provide identification to the university such as by submitting a passport or a birth certificate of you. You have to give the information about the course you have been studying and the grades you have achieved in the exam.

What might the student need a degree certificate for?

The student does need a degree certificate for a future career in multiple fields as it will be proof of the student’s knowledge. The employer does require proof of qualifications so having a degree certificate will help the student to provide the proof. Also if the student is applying for a university or other Institute there also the student needs to submit their degree certificate so that the administration can decide whether the student is eligible to continue in the academic course or not.

Does your Degree Certificate display your Grade on it?

How can a student replace a degree certificate? 

If you are not able to find your degree certificate or lost the certificate, you should first contact the institution from where you studied for the degree. You can apply to receive a new certificate. But also for this purpose, you have to pay the fee to replace the degree certificate so you should keep the degree certificate safe.

What is a University transcript? 

A University transcript is a document that shows the record of all the grades and marks the student is being awarded by the University. The following are the detail a transcript will have:

  • The student’s name. 
  • Institution of study a list of the courses taken by the student. 
  • A List of all the grades the student is being awarded. 
  • The credit value. 
  • a Signature or stamp is given by the previous institution.
Does your Degree Certificate display your Grade on it?


A degree certificate which is provided by the institution where the student has studied displays all the grades that the student has received during the study full stop and this degree certificate is used as proof for showing the student’s ability and knowledge in case the student is applying for a job or going to the university for further studies. So the student should keep the degree certificate safely and avoid losing this certificate if the certificate is misplaced. The student Have To pay to get a replacement for the certificate.


Explain the difference between a degree certificate and a transcript. 

The degree certificate is an official document that is given to the student for confirming the degree and the transcript shows the list of the grades and credit value, the institution name, and the course in which the student has studied. 

How does the degree grade?

If a student gets first-class honors which means that the student Has a 70 above percentage or 70, upper second-class honors mean that the student has a percentage between 60 to 70 and lower second-class honors mean that have a percentage between 60 to 50.

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