12 Excuses for Being Late to School for Students

As a student, your first responsibility of you is to attend each class at the proper time. However you many times you may get late. The student being late to class at school, college, or university is common but the student being late to class comes with an excuse for being late. Some of the students’ excuses are genuine and some are the ones that take advantage of the rules of the class. Let us take a look at what are the common excuses for being late.

Quick Takeaways

  • The most common excuses for being late at school are-
Issue of traffic
Improper time management by the student
Not punishing the students
Bad road leads to bad transportation
Responsibility of parents
Rules of the schools
Mental or emotional problem

However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any important facts related to the excuses for being late at school.

12 Excuses for Being Late to School for Students

What are the common excuses for being late to school?

The common excuses that the student can make when she/he is late to class are below:

1. Issue of traffic:

This is the most common excuse for being late for class. Getting stuck in a jam will make the student late for the exam. To avoid getting late the student can leave for the class earlier so that the student reaches on time. Even the school bus can get late due to traffic jams.

2. Improper time management by the student:

Mostly the students are late due to improper management of time and therefore should they get student planners. Not doing the homework when it’s the right time to do it and doing it late at night cause to get late waking up early for school, and if the student does the homework in the early morning, the student is late to attend class. This is one of the common reasons for late assignment submissions.

3. Not punishing the students:

The student gets late for class if they are not punished by the school administration the student gets encouraged by not giving them punishment. The teacher should make sure the student who comes late gets the punishment so that the student comes to class on time.

12 Excuses for Being Late to School for Students

4. Bad road leads to bad transportation.:

While coming to the school if the road condition is not good the school bus may get late. The bus driver will not be able to drive the school bus properly and if the road is muddy the student can’t even walk properly on the road, which may cause them to get late for class.

5. Responsibility of parents:

When the parents don’t show any interest in student education. They are not concerned about how their student is going to school, whether are they reaching school on time or just missing school, or not being regular to school. If a student finds that the parents are not concerned about them or do not note anything they intentionally skip the class or the whole day of school.

12 Excuses for Being Late to School for Students

6. Rules of the schools:

If the school is not paying attention to the rules, the students take advantage and start breaking the rules by not coming to school on time or not attending any class, etc.

7. Mental or emotional problem:

The student is dealing with a problem that they can’t express to someone and deal with depression. due to which they are not interested to attend class and come late to class.

Why are students late for online classes:

Due to the pandemic, the classes are taken by means of the online system and the teacher faces problems like the student not joining the class on time. the following are some reasons why the student gets late for online classes:

1. Network or data issue:

To attend, a high-quality online class is needed. But the student lives in an area where there is an issue with the network or data in their place due to which the student gets late for the online class.

12 Excuses for Being Late to School for Students

2. Monitoring faculty:

When the instructor is not monitoring the class when the level of the student is increased. The student doesn’t get a login to the class.

3. Time collapse:

The online class time may collapse if the class is taken to be of 1 hour and takes 30 minutes extra due to which the student will not be able to attend the next class on time. due to which the student gets late for online classes.

What are the excuses students can make during online classes?

The following are the excuse that the student generally makes while getting late during the online class:

1. Power shutdown:

This is the most common excuse made by the student. The power shutdown or shortage leads the student to not be able to attend class.

12 Excuses for Being Late to School for Students

2. Technical problems:

The student can make an issue that there is a technical problem in the app or not being able to log in to the class.

3. Class at the same time:

If you and your brother or sister are having the class at the same time. As you have to wait for them to finish the class and then attend the class of yours that makes you attend the class late.

4. Logged in other class:

The student gets the invitation of joining the class and is asked to join through the link. This creates confusion about which class to follow and makes the student entrance to the wrong class.

5. Internet issues:

The student can have an excuse of having a poor internet connection due to which they are not able to attend class on time.


The student has to make the excuse for getting late to class. due to which they are not able to learn the subject problem. but it’s in the hand of the teacher whether to consider the issue of being late or not.

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