How to Deal with School Anxiety – A Student Opinion

School anxiety is caused due to various aspects of school that may be triggering you. Anxiety is one of the mental problems that you may have to deal with due to many many factors. It is the feeling that comes in you when you are stressed, tense, worried, etc. It is very important to reduce school anxiety and thus we will help you to learn different ways for reducing school anxiety. 

Quick Takeaways

  • Here are some of the ways to deal with school anxiety – 
Start with finding the reason for the school anxiety and talk to someone whom you trust. 
You can also talk to a counsellor about it if there is no one with whom you can talk.
Change your daily routine and follow some healthy habits.
Focus on the positive side and relax your mind. You can also perform yoga.

You must read till the end so that you do not miss any of the crucial facts on dealing with school anxiety.

How to Deal with School Anxiety – A Student Opinion

Top 15 Ways for reducing school Anxiety 

Having headaches, stress, sweating, feeling nervousness, etc may be symptoms of anxiety. Following are the top 15 ways by which you can help yourself to deal with anxiety.

1. Finding out the reason 

School anxiety can be due to various reasons. Therefore you need to know the exact reason for your anxiety. And Unless you do not know the reason for your anxiety, it is difficult for you to find out the problem. You must also try to understand how the problem is affecting you at a personal level. Also having fewer or more symptoms is normal as how you are feeling may not be similar to the others. 

2. Taking up deep breaths

You may be feeling anxiety at a very low level. It means that you may feel anxious before your exams or before any class. In such a case you can take up deep breaths to relax. This is one of the best solutions when you have short anxiety attacks. Doing this type of exercise will also help you to focus more easily on your breathing. 

3. Take up a break

Anxiety comes when you take a lot of stress. The stress may be due to exams, assignment submissions, etc. Another way of dealing with anxiety is by taking up a break. When you take a break, it will help you to refresh your mind and relax your body as well. Go out to a place that you love to visit. It might be a park or a museum. Breathing out fresh air will help you to refresh your mind.

How to Deal with School Anxiety – A Student Opinion

4. Talk to people

Another way is by talking to people you trust. This might be an important step as when you have someone to discuss your problem with, it helps to relax you. You can share everything with them and there are high chances of getting a possible solution that will help you. 

5. Writing in the journal

Writing what exactly you are feeling is the best way to overcome anxiety. You can write up what are the things that are triggering you. It will help you to understand what is the reason for your anxiety. Another way of using a journal can be writing up the things that make you more relaxed or happy. You can add up pictures or thoughts that will inspire you. This will help you to get rid of your anxiety issue. 

6. Try walking and talking with someone you trust

This activity is similar to talking to the people you trust. The only difference is that you walk along talking to them. You can walk around the park and talk with them. Sharing the problem while walking not only helps you to share the problem with them but also helps you to refresh your mind and get fresh air.

7. Informing your school administration

This might not look like a working option but trust me it is. Every school is different but if you are discussing your problem with your school they will definitely understand it. This is important especially if your school work is getting affected. It will also help the school to know the reason and they might help you in this situation. If still you are finding it hard to stay, then you can always think of transferring from the school.

How to Deal with School Anxiety – A Student Opinion

8. Make a routine

You must make a routine for yourself for doing various things you want to do. Making a routine will help you to manage all the activities on time and this may help you to stay away from the things that give you anxiety issues. You must keep your routine healthy for your mental well-being. 

9. Focusing on positivity

It is a very famous belief that if you will focus on positivity more positive things are going to happen to you. Thus avoid the negative things in your life so that you could focus on more good things in your life.

10. Staying away from digital applications

One of the biggest distractions and the reason for various health-related problems are digital applications. Try to stay away from your mobiles or other digital appliances for at least one day. This will help you to relax your mind and will also help you to relax properly. You must involve in this exercise at least twice a week. 

11. Perform yoga

Yoga is a way by which you can relax your mind and refresh it. Different types of yogas will help you to deal with anxiety issues. As a student, it is very important that you do yoga regularly. It will not only help you to deal with anxiety issues but also will help you to stay healthy.

How to Deal with School Anxiety – A Student Opinion

12. Relaxing yourself

This is the best option that you can do in order to stay away from anxiety. Try to focus on what you wanted to do for so such a time. Give more importance to those things you love the most. This will not only help you to stay away from the things that give you anxiety but will also help you to connect with yourself properly. 

13. Making changes

Changing the things around you may also benefit you. Firstly check for the items in your school that you can change. Try to check with the school administration whether the things that you want to change can be done in your school or not. 

14. Talking to a counsellor

If you do not have someone trustworthy around you, you can always go to a counsellor to talk to them. Counsellors are always there for you to help you in such situations. They will suggest to you the exercises that you must do for relaxing and may also suggest meditation if needed.

15. Eating healthy

Many studies have shown that anxiety occurs due to mental health issues and stress. And this is a fact that stress and other mental health-related problems occur when you do not consume proper food. Thus you must make sure that you are eating healthy and getting proper nutrition in your body. 

How to Deal with School Anxiety – A Student Opinion


Anxiety is an issue that many students face during their school time. If you are also dealing with school anxiety you must follow the above techniques to get rid of it. You must talk to people you trust and to the school administration about the problems you are facing. In addition to it, you can do meditation, eat healthy food and try to relax by doing your favorite things. When you are doing things that will relax your mind, it will help you to stay away from the things that are triggering you and causing you anxiety.

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