How to help to fail students? – Tips for failing students

Exams are the most important thing in a student’s life. They need to put a lot of effort to excel in them. Many students in the world are failing due to many reasons. As a teacher, it is important for you to know how to help your students when they are lacking in the exams.

Quick Takeaways

  • Following are the ways to help the failing students-
1. Informing the parents
2. Giving extra time to them
3. Boosting the students
4. Self-realization
5. Asking to help them
6. Understand their problem
7. Compulsory to do homework
8. Never give up

However, you must read till the end so that you get a better understanding of the ways to help the failing students.

How to help to fail students? - Tips for failing students

How to help the failing students?

The failing student, if guided and helped by the teachers and parents, can achieve the goal. If you are a kindergarten teacher you must really think of the ways by which you can help the kids.. The following are some ways to help to fail students.

1. Informing the parents:

If a student is failing, the first job of a teacher is to inform the parents about it. As the student spends more time at home than at school. The parents should know about their child’s performance. The teacher should guide the parents on how to deal with the situation of the student and talk to them patiently and make them understand, and listen to their problems.

2. Giving extra time to them:

A failing student should be given more time by the teachers and the parents too. Clearing the concept to them as the student hesitates to ask in the classroom the teachers can ask if they have any problem. You can also ask them to use student planners which will help them to manage their time.

3. Boosting the students:

A failing student gets pressured by the teacher and the parents. The student should be encouraged to learn and study. You should listen to their problems. They may look happy from the outside but nobody knows what is going on inside them. so the parents and teacher should encourage them, and motivate them by telling them they can do it, try hard, etc.

How to help to fail students? - Tips for failing students

4. Self-realization:

Unless the student doesn’t have self-realization nothing can be done. The teacher should make them realize the consequences. The student may not verbally address the problem, make the student write the issue on a page that will make it easy for them to explain the problem.

5. Asking to help them:

The teachers and the parents should ask the failing students what they can do to help them. And do all the possible things to make the student motivated to study and go further in life. If they are not comfortable in the offline classroom, try getting online. However, make sure to give them tips on how virtual learning can help them.

6. Understand their problem:

The teacher should listen to the student and what causes failure like whether is there any problem at home, in school, is he/she wasting time on his mobile, etc. After listening to the problem, get the solution to the problem, and make them understand how much study is needed in their life.

7. Compulsory to do homework:

 Failing the exam is due to not doing the homework. A student should do the homework daily. They should revise the topic taught in the exam and complete the homework that is used by the teacher. Thus you should try to motivate them for completing the homework.

How to help to fail students? - Tips for failing students

8. Never give up:

The teachers and the parents should not give up on the students thinking that they can’t do it. Instead of having patience sometimes the result will be shown late. It may take 1 day,1 week, or 1 month but don’t give up. And encourage the student that they can do it.

What is the main cause of failure?

The teacher and the parents should listen and observe the main cause of the student’s failure. Here are some common causes of letting a student fail the exam.

1. Insufficient ability:

Some parents do the admission of their children without concern for them. As a student, they know in what stream they can work. due to the lack of ability, it causes failure of the students.

2. Stress:

The students may suffer from the stress of their family background. They may have problems with friends, love, ill parents, health issues, or anything that leads to the student having stress and due to which the student is not able to study appropriately and fails the exam.

How to help to fail students? - Tips for failing students

3. Mental illness:

The mental illness of the student leads to failure in education. The students should get concerned with the doctor instead of taking the stress of exams and that too fails.

4. Physically ill:

The student suffering from physical illness causes them to fail the exam.

5. No interest:

If a student has no interest in the field which they have adopted by the family discussion that causes the student to show no interest in any topic due to which the student fails.


For the student that is failing the exam, it is the duty of the teacher in order to help the student. The teacher should first explain why the student is not able to study in class and pass the exam. and Then help them to solve the problem. The teacher should try his/her best to make the student self-realization. as the students are the future and the teacher have to build their future.

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