50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever

“My dog is unemployed and only has one eye.” I know it makes no sense, but don’t you laugh?

This is what Duolingo does when you are learning a language.It not only helps you learn the language but also ensures you never get bored with the lessons. This is just one example I’m providing you with. There are a lot of other funny and weird Duolingo sentences. So hold your laughter, and be ready to read such funny sentences. 

50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever

What are the most funny and weird Duolingo sentences?

Getting funny statements helps to stay motivated and energetic while learning the language. Following are the funniest and weirdest Duolingo sentences that you can expect to show up during your lessons-

English: Luis is a duck.

Translation: Luis es un pato.

English : I have a beautiful duck.

“Translation: Tengo un pato bonito.”

English : Robert is a bear.

“Translation: Roberto es un oso.”

English : Why is there a cow in the pool?

“Translation: Hvorfor er det en ku i bassenget?”
50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever

English : Your face looks like this potato.

“Translation: Ansiktet ditt ser ut som denne poteten.”

English : The earth is the only planet with chocolate.

“Translation: Jorden er den eneste planeten med sjokolade.”

English : The ice cream tastes like plastic.

“Translation: Den isen smaker som plast.”

English : I’m finishing my sandwich the boss can wait

“Translation: Je finis mon sandwich, le chef peut attendre.”
50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever

English : I don’t like dancing with him; he has two left feet!

“Translation: Je n’aime pas danser avec lui, il a deux pieds gauches.”

English : Without a doubt, I want to eat ham.

“Translation: Sine dubio comedere pernam volo.”

English : My dog is unemployed and only has one eye.

“Translation: Mein Hund ist arbeitslos und hat nur ein Auge.”

English : When I was young, I was not allowed to wear pants!

“Translation: Toen ik jong was, mocht ik geen broek dragen”

English : My meal is one tomato.

“Translation: Mon repas est une tomate.

English : I have discovered that playing with fire is dangerous.

“Translation: He descubierto que jugar con fuego es peligroso.

English : I die alone.

“Translation: Je meurs seul.”

English : Dogs do not write newspaper.

“Translation: Hunder skriver ikke aviser.”

English : Does the dog drink from the toilet?

“Translation: Trinkt der Hund aus der Toilette?”

English : Excuse me I am an apple.

“Translation: Pardon, ik ben een appel.”

English : You have two days.

“Translation: Tha dà latha agad.”

English : I am eating bread and crying on the floor.

“Translation: Jeg spiser brød og gråter på gulvet.”

English : I have 28 hairs.

“Translation: Ich habe achtundzwanzig haare.”

English : My turtle, Raphael, is a police officer.

“Translation: Meine Schildkröte, Raphael, ist polizist”

English : Yes, the owl is smart and nice.

“Translation: Ja, die Eule ist klug und nett.”

English : The walls have ears.

“Translation: Les murs ont des oreilles.”
50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever

English : This song is about the death of your cat.

“Translation: Cette chanson parle de la mort de Votre chat.”

English : I am ready to die.

“Translation: Sono pronto a morire.”

English : My wish is not to kill anymore.

“Translation: Mi deseo es no matar más.”

English: I want to live in your shoes so I can be with you every step of the way.

“Translation: J’aimerais vivre dans tes chaussures pour être avec toi à chacun de tes pas.”
50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever
50+ Most Funny and Weird Duolingo Sentences Ever

English : You’re eating my dog’s food

“Translation: Du äter min hunds mat.”

English : Hard pizza for hard men.

“Translation: Harte pizza für harte Männer.”

English : At this moment, a girl is eating a horse.

“Translation: A cet moment, une fille mange un cheval”

English : The spider has juice.

“Translation: Tá sú ag an damhán alla.”

English : The monkey drinks milk quickly.

“Translation: El mono bebe leche rápido.”

English : Go out with me! I’m rich, handsome, young, and intelligent.

“Translation: Sors avec moi! Je suis riche, beau, jeune, et intelligent!”

English : I’m building a house in the clouds.

“Translation: Yo construyo una casa en las nubes.”

English: The cow wrote a song in Spanish.

“Translation: La vaca escribió una canción ab español.”

English : Where are the graves?

“Translation: Ubi sunt sepulchra?”

English : My right foot is bigger than my left foot.

“Translation: Mon pied droit est plus grand que mon pied qauche.”

English : It’s not a drug, just flour!

“Translation: Ce n’ est pas de la drogue juste de la farine.”

English : You drive badly and you are dangerous!

“Translation: Tu conduis mal et tu es dangereux.”

English : The deciteful girl hits a parrot.

“Translation: Puella perfida psittacum pulsat.”

English : Sometimes you do not drive on the road.

“Translation: Parfois tu ne conduis pas sur la route.”

English : Go slower, I would like to stay alive.

“Translation: Va moins vite je voudrais rester vivant.”

English : I do not hear you since I have cinnamon rolls in my ears.

“Translation: Jag hör dig inte eftersom jag har kanelbullar i öronen.”

English : Do I have a child?

“Translation: Har jeg et barn.”

English : Duo, why did you enter the fridge?

“Translation: Duo pourquoi tu es entré dans le fridge?”

English : I am a bird.

“Translation: Eu son um pássaro”

English : I kiss my wife.

“Translation: Pógaim mo bhean chéile”

English : My book is my teacher.

“Translation: Liber meus est magister meus”

English : We never destroyed the city’s buildings.

“Translation: Nunca destruimos los edificios de la cuidad.”

English : Universities are not young men.

“Translation: Universitates non sunt iuvenes”

English : My dog doesn’t drink water. He wants to drink wine. He’s a very elegant dog!

“Translation: Mi petrol no bebe agua. Él quiere beber vino. iEs un perro muy elegant!”

English : What is wrong with you?

“Translation: Vad är det för fel på dig?”

English : I have a teacher.

“Translation: Magistrum habeo”

English : The dog likes you because you have food.

“Translation: Hunden tycker om dig därför att du har mat.”

English : I do not know if he wants to.

“Translation: Jag vet inte om han vill.”

English : Vargen vet att björner sover.

“Translation: Teh wolf knows that the bear is sleeping.”

English : The wolf is eating me.

“Translation: Ulven spiser meg.”

English : Can you explain why you are lying under bed?

“Translation: Kan du förklara varför du ligger under sängen?”

English : Scrolls do not speak.

“Translation: Volumina non loquuntur.”

Why does Duolingo have nonsense sentences?

As you know, Duolingo is a platform that keeps its users engaged with the course so that they do not find it boring. To help them with it they provide a lot of sentences that do not have meaning in the real world and are funny in their own sense. As Duolingo is like a game and you earn XP and gems from it, you must enjoy it rather than take it as a burden. The main aim of Duolingo is to make you learn the language and improve your communication skills. They believe that such sentences can help you to improve your expression skills.


I have always been a fan of the engaging content on Duolingo. On it, you will find exercises that are easy to take and do not get you bored. When you go through the course you will find a lot of funny and weird Duolingo sentences. Trust me, these sentences will make sure you stay in the lessons. Of course, when you enjoy learning, your whole focus is on completing the lessons. Thus, in this guide, I have mentioned more than 50 sentences that I encountered on Duolingo and was amazed to read them.

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