When Do University Degree Results Come Out in the UK?

Completing your degree is one of the greatest achievements as a student. After giving a lot of effort, completing assignments, taking up exams, etc you will finally be getting the degree. Excited to know what is the date when your university degree results will finally come out. 

Quick Takeaways

  • There is no fixed date for getting the results. 
  • It will depend upon the university and the department you are studying in. 

Also, do not miss to read till the end so that you do not miss any of the important information.

When Do University Degree Results Come Out in the UK?

When do university degree results come out?

Depending on the university and the department you are studying in the release date for university degree results varies. Your degree results will also depend on the day you started your course. This means that if your course was started earlier you may get the result soon and vice versa.

Therefore there is no specific date for this. To check when you will be getting the results you will have to check on their official website. However, usually, the university year ends in June and July for most universities.

Do you get the degree and the result on the same day?

No, you will not get the result and the degree on the same day. Generally, you will get the result prior to when you will get the degree. You will get the result online or in person. Therefore, you must check when the university will give you the result.

What happens on the university’s result day?

On your university’s result day, you will be seeing your teachers giving speeches and talking to each and every student before they are given their degrees. After that, you will be going on the stage and will be receiving the degree. Just like movies and TV cereals, you will find yourself wearing the hat and the coat known as graduation caps and gowns. You will be wearing them and going on the stage and receiving your results.

When Do University Degree Results Come Out in the UK?

On the stage, you will be mostly getting the degree from the governor. All you will be doing is shaking hands with the governor and receiving your degree. When the degrees are given to the students, they will be generally taking up pictures and enjoying the last day at the university.

Do the university results actually matter?

To be honest in today’s time, what you want to do in the future helps to decide if the university results will matter or not. This means that if you are going for work that needs a lot of practical knowledge like data analysis, then your skills and experience will matter more instead of the marks in your degree.

However, if you are going for a job that is related to more theoretical knowledge, you may then your university results may matter. Also for getting a particular job, you may require to get a minimum required percentage in it. Therefore it is good to be prepared from starting and trying to achieve good grades. They may help to increase your chances of getting the job you want.

What if you do not get the results that you wanted at the university?

It is always full of disappointments when you have burnt the midnight owl and do not get what you want. But you must always remember if you are getting results lower than what you want, it does not mean that this is your end of the world. It means you will have to take a lesson from it and will have to work on it. However, if you want you can even retake your 3rd year to improve your results.

When Do University Degree Results Come Out in the UK?

Should you retake your 3rd year?

To answer this you first decide why you are retaking it. There could be only two situations why you may want to retake it – either you have failed it or you want to increase your grades. Unfortunately, if you are taking it just to improve your grades, then it is not possible.

This is because if you are retaking the exams, you will only be getting up to 40% which is a passing percentage. Therefore if you have already received 50% and want to retake the exams just to improve the marks, then it is not possible. However, if you have failed the exam, then you must go for retaking the exams.

Another thing that you must also know is that you are only allowed to retake it once. In some cases, depending upon your condition and that time of situation, you may be allowed to take it twice.

When Do University Degree Results Come Out in the UK?


The time when you will be getting your result will depend upon the university and the department you are studying in. It will also depend on when you have started the course. If we consider the general timings, the university year usually ends in June and July. You must also know that you will be getting your university results and the degree on different days. Generally, you will be getting your results before your degree. 


Do universities get your A-level results before students?

Universities will generally get your A-level results before the result day. This is because it helps them to decide whether to select or reject your application to the university. They will generally receive the result 3-4 days before your result day. This means that whether you are selected or rejected will be decided even before you have received the result. 

Does your degree certificate have your grade on it?

Yes, your degree certificate is proof that you have cleared the degree. Therefore it will have the grade that you have scored during the degree. Your certificate will help your employer to know what you have received and which degree you have done.

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