What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage? (With Letter Grade Mentioned)

As a student, you need to take care of a lot of things like exams, assignments and most importantly maintaining a good GPA. Every student wants to get a high GPA and thus work hard for it. One of the most common questions that students have is about getting a 3.4 GPA. Thus here we will help you to know what is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage and in a letter grade. We will also help you in knowing if it is a good GPA score or not.

Quick Takeaways

  • A 3.4 GPA is equivalent to 89% in percentage.
  • A 3.4 GPA is equivalent to a grade of B+ according to the letter grade.
  • To find out your GPA, you will need to look at the total number of grade points earned and divide them by the number of letter-graded units undertaken.
  • If you get an F to your 3.4 GPA, it will lower your score as well.
  • One thing to consider here is that if you have scored around a 3.4 GPA, you must only put it in the resume if the major was extremely tough.

However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any crucial facts related to a 3.4 GPA.

What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage?

When you complete your assignments and exams you are evaluated based on your GPA (Grade Point Average). Generally, it is between 0-4, and when you get a higher GPA, it means that you have scored higher in the exams. Getting a 3.4 GPA means that you have scored around 89% in your total score. This system of grading is usually found in schools and thus you must have a good GPA so that you can go to a good college and university.

What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in the letter grade?

Getting a 3.4 GPA in letter grades means that you have scored a grade B+ in your school. However, it does not necessarily means that you have scored B+ in all the subjects. There may be chances that in some of the subjects you have scored a grade of A and in another grade, B. Getting a B+ will depend upon the average grades in the subjects.

How to calculate your GPA?

To find out your GPA, you will need to look at the total number of grade points earned and divide them by the number of letter-graded units undertaken. Following are the grade points that you earn for every unit credit for the Unweighted and Weighted GPA.

Unweighted GPA

Letter GradeGPA GradePercentage Grade
F0Below 65
What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage? (With Letter Grade Mentioned)

Weighted GPA

Letter GradePercentage GradeHonors GPAAB/IB GPA
What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage? (With Letter Grade Mentioned)

What is a 3.4 weighted GPA?

A weighted GPA is one in which the GPA is based on the difficulty level of the subject. In this type of grading system, the GPA can even go up to 5. So if you have selected all the tough subjects the chances are you will be getting a GPA of more than 4. Getting a 3.4 weighted GPA is also equal to 89%.

What is a 3.4 unweighted GPA?

An unweighted GPA is one in which the difficulty level of the subject is not considered. In this type of grading system, you will get up to 4 grades. However, again getting a 3.4 GPA is also equal to 89%. The only difference between both the GPAs is the consideration of the hard level of the students.

Is 3.4 a good GPA?

The national average GPA is about 3.0. It means that most of the students score 3.0 grades on average. Getting 3.4 means that you are having a much higher grade than the national average and thus there are high chances for you to get selected by the colleges or the universities. According to various studies, 64.66% of the students scored less than a 3.4 GPA every year. There are more than 1000 colleges that accept a 3.4 GPA in which there are also some medical schools. Further having good senior year grades can help you to get some compensation for this GPA.

Is a 3.4 GPA good in college?

What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage? (With Letter Grade Mentioned)

To answer this question you must ask yourself what GPA will look perfect on your resume. If you are having a tough major to study, you will find a 3.4 GPA a good one. However, if you are not having a major course, you will want to have at least a 3.5 GPA. Thus if getting a 3.4 GPA good at the university will depend upon the major you have chosen.

Is a 3.4 GPA good in high school?

As we have already discussed that the average grade of the students is 3.0, getting 3.4 means getting a higher GRADE than the national average grade. This means that you have a higher chance of getting into college. It also depends upon the subject you want to study. If you want to study a subject that requires a high GPA then 3.4 may not be a good GPA for you. On the other hand, if you are thinking of taking an easier subject then it might be good for you.

is a 3.4 GPA good for grad school?

Getting a 3.4 GPA is a very good GPA if you are thinking of taking a Master’s degree. Though generally, you may not get the specific program for you, there are high chances of passing the program. 

Is 3.4 a good GPA in University?

As the national average GPA of the students is around 3.0 GPA, getting a 3.4 GPA is considered a good GPA. However, you must consider that it varies with the subject you have chosen. Suppose you have chosen a subject in which most of the students are scoring above 3.5 GPA, then definitely getting a 3.4 GPA is not good at all.

What is a 3.4 GPA equivalent to in Percentage? (With Letter Grade Mentioned)

What will an F do to a 3.4 GPA?

F is a grade that represents a 0.0 GPA and is considered a failure. Thus getting an F grade will lower your 3.4 GPA. The degree to which it will degrade your GPA will depend upon how many Fs you have scored and what are the other grades.

Should I put a 3.4 GPA on my resume?

The ultimate reason for studying is to get a good job. For it, you need to submit your resume. But the most common question is whether should you put your GPA on it or not. Generally, it is recommended to put a 3.5 or above GPA on your resume. However, if you have scored a 3.4 GPA try to avoid it. Further, you must also include the GPA of your major if it is higher than the total GPA. 


GPA is the grade that you get when your assignments and exams are evaluated. Your GPA is a major factor in getting admission to various universities and colleges. They are generally counted on a scale of 0-4 and most of the students want to score high in it. The national average GPA is around 3.0. However, if you have scored a 3.4 GPA, it is considered a high grade than the national average. Getting 3.4 means that you have scored 89% or a grade of B+ as an overall grade. If you have taken a major which is tough then getting a 3.4 GPA is also considered good in the university. 


Is a 3.4 GPA good in middle school?

The national average GPA of the students is about 3.0. Thus getting 3.4 is higher than it and thus is a good GPA to be considered.

Is a 3.4 GPA bad?

As a 3.4 GPA is above the national GPA, it is a very good GPA. However, you must also remember that in general people are advised to only add the GPA if they have scored around 3.5. Thus it means that you must try to maintain a GPA of 3.5.

Can I get into Boston university with a 3.4 GPA?

Boston University is the one which has a low acceptance rate of 19%. However, this does not mean that you can not apply to Boston university if you have a 3.4 GPA. You can also apply for applying at Boston with a GPA of 3.

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